What meaning will the concept of health have for future generations?
The new demographic flow and the involvement of developing people strongly influence the vision of the healthcare system. A vision that is no longer local, but global.
What does it mean to guarantee health "for all"? It means reducing inequalities, making the distribution of resources efficient and guaranteeing health services to the community.
The innovation of biomedical technology and the development of products that can be useful to both patients and doctors is a key point in the innovative vision in the medical field.
Increasing attention to environmental issues is a fundamental requirement in designing the healthcare system of the future. Together, for a more sustainable future.
The Hospital of the Future
Increasing attention to environmental issues is a fundamental requirement in designing the healthcare system of the future. Together, for a more sustainable future.
The current condition of unpredictability of the healthcare system is in fact also determined by the changing forms of expression of health expectations, which depend on new demographic flow, lifestyles, innovations in biomedical technology, models on the delivery of care, and, not lastly, by the increased awareness of the value of environmental sustainability.
The future is therefore increasingly transdisciplinary with influencing factors from the scientific, cultural, social, and environmental world which generate trends which are debated by the most qualified international institutions dealing with futuristic healthcare scenarios, including: the International Organization for Migration, the Institute for Alternative Futures, the United Nations and the Institute of the Future.

The concept of health will therefore tend to take on new connotations, which will strongly influence the hospital project and which can be traced back to the principles of Global Health, Ethical Health, and Super Health.
In the next 10 years, more than 80% of knowledge and methods of diagnosis, therapy and, above all, prevention will change. A revolution that therefore emerges from a combination of phenomena, namely:
› The diagnostic advancement of the post-genomic era
› The new holistic approach to system biology
› New research techniques
› Rapid digital evolution with its ability to manage a large amount of data

Humanization and centrality of the person
From the 'hospital-centric' system to the 'citizen-centric' one: this is how the revolution awaiting the healthcare planet has been defined. Today the hospital network is going through profound reorganization processes aimed at a multidisciplinary approach, horizontal integration and continuity of care between the hospital and health centers in the area.
The new organization by processes (or diagnostic - therapeutic paths) is centered on the patient who follows a "horizontal" journey, crossing, during the course of treatment, a sometimes very complex series of operational units, favoring the full integration of the different specialisms and the different skills by overcoming the concept of the hospital based on departments and divisions and overcoming the vertical model with hierarchy in the various areas.
The person at the center means believing in a holistic vision of the organism in which the mind and body form an inseparable entity. It therefore means treating the 'sick' and not just the 'illness'.
The Eco-Flexible Hospital
The construction sector is among the most responsible for climate-altering gas emissions and, in particular, hospital structures are estimated to be among the most energy-intensive: their consumption of resources, combined with the production of infectious waste, forces us to pay special attention to the value of correct management of biomedical technology and their energy demand.
Sustainability therefore becomes an integral part of the hospital project which is expressed with appropriate environmental inclusion and with the implementation of strategies aimed at both reducing waste and producing energy from renewable sources.
The flexibility of the hospital organization is increasingly at the center of the interest of operators and designers to cope with the rapid change in biomedical technology that influence care models and healthcare planning.
Energy compatibility means optimizing the relationships between morphology, functionality, and orientation, reducing the depth of the buildings, evaluating technologies according to their life-cycle.
Flexibility and sustainability therefore become inseparable parameters with design implications in many sectors with an ethical and management vocation such as usability, well-being, safety, efficiency, and management.

The “Hospital of the Future” © model project was registered as an Italian trademark at no. 302019000086490 on 18 August 2020 at the Ministry of Economic Development (General Directorate for the protection of industrial property, Italian Patent and Trademark Office) and on 8 October 2020 it was filed and registered at the European Union Office for Intellectual Property ( “EUIPO”) the multiple design no. 008199749-0001/ -0008, concerning the two-dimensional architectural projects of the Project (“Multiple Design”), published on 23 October 2020.
On 8 October 2020, design no. was also filed and registered with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (“EUIPO”). 008197230, concerning the three-dimensional version of the Project (“Single Design”, together with the Multiple Design “Design”), published on 29 October 2020